Free Tours

Noticias Actualidad

Today almost everyone searches for Free Tours in the cities they visit to have a general view of it and decide what to see more carefully once it collects information about the site that has arrived, paying the guide what He considers it opportune for the time invested in the route and the knowledge he has shared.
However, it is a concept that continues to generate much controversy to this day. So, from my point of view as a Heritage Interpreter who works as a guide in this Free Tours company, I would like to clarify some points about what a Free Tour is.
Free = Free
A Free Tour is an option to bring culture to all pockets, but it does not mean that the visit is free. While it is true that some people can leave the tour at any point of the road without paying anything, if everyone took that address we would end with this type of guided tours.
The vast majority of Free Tours guides live solely and exclusively from this hard work full time, where always with a smile we show the best of our city under the August sun and the January rain, always with the idea that the people fall in love with our city as we are.
But we must bear in mind that our only income is the economic valuations of our customers. In English free means both free and free, in the case of Free Tours, we consider it a tour where the client is free to decide the price, always according to the economic possibility of each one, we appreciate all kinds of contributions from Clients who end up satisfied with our work.
We are not volunteers from the city
The Free Tours guides work for private companies, and as I wrote before, the price that the client decides is our source of income, a price that we share with the company and from which we also pay taxes. No official or unofficial agency gives us any kind of subsidy or financial aid, what we earn is what we have.
We have a quality training
At least in my company, all the guides have studied careers, either History, History of Art or Tourism. Very specific careers that have given us the qualification and the official accreditation to be able to exercise our work in a completely legal and regulated way. We are not students who work in their free time, we are passionate about history and legends eager to share our knowledge with those who wish to know the secrets and curiosities of the city and who want to know everything they can do in Seville.
As lovers of our city, we work as Free Tours guides with the idea of ​​bringing culture to all kinds of pockets.
We are not "pirates"
Of course, when I say that we are legal, I do not only refer to academic training and accreditation, but also to how to contribute to the Public Treasury by declaring all our taxes.
I hope we have helped you understand how official Free Tours work like the ones we offer at Sevilla Free Tours (of course not all companies are the same and there is unfair competition in all sectors), but we have the seal of quality granted by thousands of clients satisfied and the tranquility that our training gives us and the fact of knowing that we do everything according to the laws.
To know Seville, from our website you have all the information about what tours we offer and how you can book. Remember that we are the guides of the yellow shirts and umbrellas always ready to give the best of us.

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